$24 Entry. Masks will be required during the event, temperature checks will be used during event check-in.
Event starts at 6:00, but you can come an hour early for a game of commander with your own decks.
See here for a 3 minute YouTube link for game rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9HIf8PE8vk
Some key differences in this draft vs a typical draft:
* Booster decks have 20 cards instead of 15.
* You pick 2 cards at a time instead of 1
* Gameplay will be in the commander format. We will play multiplayer games.
* 1 game per round instead of best of 3.
* You can have multiples of each card.
* Depending on our player total we will have 4-5 players - 1 big game. 6-more - will be in groups of 3 to 4.
* Rounds will be 75 minutes instead of 50.
* Decks have to adhere to the commander color identity.
* Decks are 60 cards or more instead of 40.
* It is suggested to have 23-25 lands.
Prizes will be awarded based on standings. If there are multiple pods, the winner from each pod will play another round versus the other pod's winners to determine prizes.