Free RPG Day 2023

Free RPG Day 2023

Join us this Saturday, June 24th, for this year's Free RPG Day.

This event is completely Free and we will have products to give away to the people who participate from this years Free RPG Day Kit! We will have limited extra products for customers who stop in as well.

We also have enough modules for many of the games that we can double up on times if there is one currently being hosted you would also like to run. Reach out to or stop in for more details.

The schedule so far:

Title Timeslot
Root: Hacksaw Dell (Powered by the Apocalypse) 11:00 AM
Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying Introductory Module 11:00 AM
Dungeon Crawl Classics Piercing the Demon's Eye 11:00 AM
Avatar: Movers & Shakers (Powered by the Apocalypse) 11:00 AM
5E Hiest at the Museum 11:00 AM
GI Joe and Transformers crossover: Cobra/Con Fusion 11:00 AM
Starfinder: Operation Seaside Park 2:00 PM
Achtung! Cthulhu - Operation Kindling 2:00 PM
D&D Onslaught: Never Split the Party - 4 Player Event 2:00 PM
Dragonbane Quick Start 2:00 PM
Heckin' Good Doggos 2:00 PM
Critical: Foundation (Episode 0) 2:00 PM
Pathfinder: A Few Flowers More 5:00 PM
Adventures in Rokugan: Storm Eel's Rest 5:00 PM
Zombicide: Chronicles 5:00 PM
Vamire: the Masquerade: A Taste of the Moon 5:00 PM
The Three Wizard Conundrum 5e 5:00 PM
Animal Adventures 5e 8:00 PM
Losing Face (Swords of the Serpentine / GUMSHOE) 8:00 PM
level 1: Indie RPG Anthology 8:00 PM